The SilentDrive 2.0 BLDC motor reduces the running noise and energy consumption of the dishwasher, while the 2 speed levels fine-tunes the washing performance to the load type. The resulting two water delivery pressure levels helps to gently wash the dishes in the top rack while the sprinkler in the bottom rack scrubs away heavy grime. The brushless design extends the life of the motor.
What if we wanted our dishes to be hygienically clean and shiny? It’s doable with SteamPower®, a system which applies hot steam at the end of the dishwashing cycle to reduce the bacteria on the dishes and inside the dishwasher, leaving everything shiny and perfectly dry.
The dishwasher is running, but we are not confident about going shopping or having a sit-down with friends while the appliance runs unattended? Of course we can go out! There is a whole array of electronic protective features to prevent the dishwasher from flooding our home. Now we can leave it running and go out or doze off on the couch if we like.
La tua famiglia è andata in vacanza e hai ora molto meno esigenze? Meno pentole, meno piatti, meno bicchieri? Non vuoi aspettare che si accumuli una montagna di stoviglie sporche? Riempi la lavastoviglie come ti serve e attiva la funzione di mezzo carico. Durante il lavaggio tutti gli irroratori saranno in funzione a turno, le stoviglie saranno lavate e tu userai fino al 20% in meno di acqua e corrente. È un grande risparmio e le stoviglie saranno ugualmente perfettamente pulite!
Decidi tu quando è il momento giusto. La funzione permette di programmare la lavastoviglie perché si accenda quando decidi tu, anche 24 ore più tardi. Così puoi utilizzare la tariffa più conveniente per l’energia elettrica.
The LEDs of the display gives clear messages about programmes and extra functionalities, to make operation of the dishwasher convenient and user-friendly.
Non dovrai più disperarti alla vista di stoviglie sparse ovunque per farle asciugare, dopo averle tolte dalla lavastoviglie! In HotAir System, l’asciugatura avviene mediante condensazione: l’acqua evapora dalle stoviglie, riscaldate a loro volta dall’alta temperatura dell’ultimo risciacquo. L’interno della lavastoviglie e l’aria che contiene sono caldi e le stoviglie asciutte. Pulito, asciutto e comodo.
Need the washing done now, right after breakfast? Are those glasses dusty from sitting for too long in the cupboard? Whenever we need to freshen up or wash items that are a little dirty, we can use the Quick 30’ minute programme. It saves a lot of time and water!
A power failure? Well there is no need to restart the entire programme when it happens. The WashRestart function saves all the settings and the exact dishwashing stage to be resumed when the power comes back on.
Ever wondered how much salt is left to soften the dishwasher water? No longer! Now the dishwasher tells us! The salt refill sensor switches on a warning LED light to show that the salt dispenser needs refilling, an essential for correct performance of our dishwasher. We can forget about that little detail of life until the next time!
Who wouldn’t want all their dishes all sparkling clean? We no longer have to wonder and check if the dishwasher has enough rinse aid in the dispenser. The rinse aid refill LED switches on when triggered by the sensor, to tell us when to add more rinse aid.
Gli interni degli apparecchi sono realizzati in acciaio inossidabile che è resistente ai danneggiamenti e facilita notevolmente la pulizia. Una comodità destinata a durare per molti anni.
Clean and hygienic results thanks to a system of three filters designed to help remove all grime. It stops the growth of mould, fungi and other microbes, to ensure efficient washing and extended dishwasher life.